Your extraordinary life

arm with extraordinary tattoo

I love this post from Amber of My Crazy Healthy Life blog.  A beautiful story of transformation and a desire to help others embrace their ‘extraordinary-ness’ and live a wholesome life.

“Make your life extraordinary” has been my mantra for the past fourteen years. Somewhere in my late twenties, I realized that regular just doesn’t work for me–I want more out of life. And so began my quest to become extraordinarily healthy. I traded in my running shoes for a yoga mat, stopped eating meat, and learned how to meditate. My new life was anything but regular. It also made me stronger, healthier, and happier than I had ever been before. Read the full post.


– Your Charmed Yogi

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(Photo: WeLoveIt)

Is yoga your superstition?

So, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to talk about superstition on Friday the 13th.  I happen to love Friday the 13th.  While I no longer enjoy horror movies, when I was a kid, scary movies were my indoctrination into the … Continue reading

Freedom is within and without

shackled hands releasing a butterfly

“Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?” – Mahatma Gandhi

Celebrate your freedom today and everyday.  Happy Independence Day.


– Your Charmed Yogi

Photo credit: Freedom Interactive Design

Selfishly be someone else’s miracle

My mom used to tell me that you may never know the impact you’ve had on others.  A smile to a stranger,a touch, or just listening to a friend in need may seem trivial young hands holding elderly handsto us, but at the moment it’s given to another, it could be quite grand.

In graduate school we dove into the topic of altruism.  Does it or doesn’t it actually exist?  Some theorists believe it doesn’t exist because the person performing the selfless act may still derive joy or satisfaction from the act of giving.

I recently came upon this argument again and started to think about whether or not I’ve ever truly been altruistic.

I thought about the times I’ve volunteered my time, or given money to charity, or helped out a friend in need.  And they all felt awesome. Dammit.

I thought about how I’ve rescued two (now three) dogs from shelters.  But in truth, I sought out these dogs for companionship.  Dammit again.  So then I thought, you know what?  Who the heck cares where the motivation comes from so long as you’re giving of yourself and receptive to love.

Selfishly give of yourself to others; be someone else’s miracle and enjoy the feeling of an open heart. Then you both feel awesome.


– Your Charmed Yogi

Photo credit: Woodland Care & Rehabilitation