40 Sun Salutations to Celebrate 40 Years

Sun SalutationI woke up this morning with 39 years on this planet in my rearview mirror, and I feel more alive, more centered within myself than I ever have. So, I decided to celebrate my 40th year with 40 sun salutations. Twenty Surya Namaskar A in the morning to honor the years that have brought me to this grounded place, and twenty in the evening to embrace the years to come with open arms and grace.

I look back at the past few decades (really, I can say decades) of my adult life, with humor and reflection. In my twenties, my goal was to finish college, get a good job, and move out of my parents’ house. In my thirties, my goal was to buy a house and establish some roots. In my forties, my goal is to have no goal. Not to be a total slacker, but to embrace the process of life for the journey itself and not be so concerned about the end result of the “achieving.”

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What’s Your Favorite Yoga Pose?

fish pose in yogaSo just for fun this Friday, I thought I’d do a quick post about my favorite yoga post, and open it up to you.   On any given day, there are a few poses that I gravitate to in my personal daily practice.  I try to incorporate a balanced practice that includes a few Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) C and A;  Virabadrasana (warrior) II; Trikonasana (triangle); and Vrkasana (Tree Pose).  Plus, I add in some abs, backbends, twists and, of course, restorative poses.  But, if you asked me point blank, “What is your favorite yoga pose?” Anyone who knows me, taught me or takes my classes knows that I’m a Matsayasana (Fish Pose) lover (see post pic of me blissfully chill in the pose during yoga teacher training).

I just love sinking into this heart opening gentle backbend.  You can tell by the look on my face that the world around me has all but disappeared.

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